Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Juvenile Grey Currawong

Juvenile Grey Currawong

A few days ago we had a juvenile Grey Currawong come to visit one of our bird baths. It was a very hot day and the parade of birds coming to the bird bath was constant - until the currawong arrived. 

Being such a large bird, all the smaller species like honeyeaters, thornbills and wrens made way. The adult currawong will take the eggs and nestlings of many of the smaller species, so their caution is well founded.

Until a few years ago we rarely saw any currawongs on our five acre block of land near Murray Bridge in South Australia. We occasionally would hear one calling in the distance. They were a resident species in the patch of mallee scrub up the hill from our place. In the last 5 or so years they have become regular visitors in our garden. I can't yet call them a resident species because we do not see them everyday, but their visits are becoming more regular. 

Juvenile Grey Currawong

Juvenile Grey Currawong

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