Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Sacred Kingfisher

Sacred Kingfisher in our garden

A few mornings ago we were enjoying breakfast in our sun room. I was struggling over the crossword puzzle until my wife excitedly pointed out that we had an unusual visitor in the garden just a few metres from where we sat. It was a Sacred Kingfisher as shown in the photo.

I quickly ran for the camera - yes, I can still run at my age - and managed about 40 photos before our visitor flew off. While it stayed it was constantly watching the ground for breakfast. Every minute or so it would dive to ground and gobble up some fine delicacy.

Although we have seen this species on a few occasions in our garden, it has been a few years since the last visit and this is the closest we have been to one. This set of photos is also the best I have taken of this species.

You can read more and see more photos on my other site called Trevor's Birding here.

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