Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Australian Pelican

Australian Pelican

In Australia we only have one species of pelican, as shown in the photo above. It is the Australian Pelican and it is a widespread bird species throughout the country, wherever suitable habitat occurs - such as rivers, swamps, lagoons, lakes, estuaries and sometimes the open sea near to shore.

Although they can sometimes seen on small groups or even just one or two, they can also be found in loose flocks of many dozens, especially if the fishing is good.

Read more about Australian birds here.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Holland Honeyeaters

New Holland Honeyeaters are very common in our garden. They outnumber most of the other bird species, with the possible exception of House Sparrows. They love coming to our bird baths for a drink - or a splash in the water. They also enjoy the many native Australian bushes and trees in our garden. In the spring and summer they nest in various places around the garden.

For more articles about Australian birds, go to my other site Trevor's Birding.